The Second transnational project partner meeting of project ‘Save 4 Waste’, acronym: S4W was held on the 2nd of December 2022 in Kochani, North Macedonia. The responsible partner for organization of the meeting was the NGO LAG from North Macedonia together with the Macedonian primary school “Sv. Kiril i Metodij” Kochani.
This event was organised after finishing of the short-term training events, and received feedback from involved participants. The aim of this meeting was mid-term evaluation of the results from realised activities with special focus on results from testing period and resolving of eventual challenges that may appeared.
Therefore, during this second partners meeting in the Republic of North Macedonia, partners:
– discussed and provided feedback on PR1 results;
– discussed and agree on guidelines and delivery of the training course for teachers, on e-learning methods and provided digital techniques;
– planed the next steps for the implementation of PR2 which refers to the policy recommendation;
– reviewed the results achieved until that time and plan the activities for the successful implementation of the upcoming project results, focusing on co-creating an ideal methodology for the implementation of the piloting activities, customized to the country-specific needs and requirements;
– discussed on the overall progress of project activities and revision, any potential issues related to dissemination and financial reporting issues were discussed.