Planned transnational project meetings will be organized with primary aim for team work of transnational project partner (PP) teams on evaluation of realized project activities, determination and resolving of challenges, and preparation of future activities.
Second transnational project partner meeting
The Second transnational project partner meeting of project ‘Save 4 Waste’, acronym: S4W was held on the 2nd of December 2022 in Kochani, North Macedonia. The responsible partner for organization of the meeting was the NGO LAG from North Macedonia together with the Macedonian primary school “Sv. Kiril i Metodij” Kochani. This event was organised…
First transnational project meeting – Kick-off
The kick-off meeting of project ‘Save 4 Waste’, acronym: S4W was held on the 1st of April 2022 in Pazardzhik, Bulgaria. The responsible partner for organization of the meeting was the Centre for Sustainability and Economic Growth (CSEG) as an applicant organization. The project started officially in January 2022 and has duration of 24 months….