Learning, Teaching, Training Activities

Activity C1 (short-term joint staff training event) concerns only NGO staff and 3 teachers + 1 manager from each school. During C1 activity, as described, teachers were educated from NGO staff from Project Result 1. Teachers were educated on theoretical backgrounds of food culture, consumption habits, soil and plant production, smart solutions, energy cycles, organic materials and circular economy and on practical on composting methods and smart plants. C1 activity is the pillars of the current project, since teachers and manager from each school were the ones transmitting the acknowledgments to the pupils.

C3 activity (Long term teaching/learning assignments for students in schools) is the continuation of the C1 activity (short-term joint staff training event). Main purpose is the transmition of the gained methods and tools of the teachers to the pupils. 63 pupils will be directly involved, 21 from each school.

C4 activity (short term exchange of pupils) will take place in Bulgaria in May of 2023 and will be organised as a 5 day event. 3 pupils of each school (winning team of each school) will participate + manager of each school will accompany the students.

Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils

The Activity “Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils” within Save4Waste project took place in Bulgaria from May 7th to May 13th, 2023 and it was hosted by Primary school “Prof. Ivan Batakliev” in Pazardzhik, Bulgaria. The event involved 9 pupils, 3 pupils of the winning team from each school, and a teacher from each school…

First short-term training, Kochani, North Macedonia

The 1st Short-term joint staff training event was held on North Macedonia in September, 2022, after completion of the draft version of the 1st project result. The training duration was 5 days + 2 days of travel from other project countries. The main topics of the activity was the introduction of the teachers to the…